ABCD 2024
Friday, June 28, 2024
ABCD - Stewardship
Stewardship is a way of life; we recognize by faith that everything we are and everything we have are gifts from God. Stewardship is not a matter of giving a little more; rather, it is a way of life.
“Do not be afraid; just have faith.”
- Mark 5:36
Jesus spoke these simple words to the synagogue official before curing the little girl. We are all faced with challenges and tribulations daily.
Do we truly have faith as good stewards and place things in His hands or are we afraid and feel troubled?
As of today, we would like to provide an update on our parish’s performance for the 2024 ABCD. Please find below a summary of our parish’s progress:
- Parish Goal: $97,062.00
- Total Gifts: $87,178.00
- Gift Over/Under: $9,884.00
Our commitment to the 2024 ABCD as a parish is a testimony to our collective faith and the love we have for those in need. Though we have made significant progress, we’ve yet to meet our goal. Every contribution helps, and with your support, we can make a real difference. Please take a moment to consider making a gift to the ABCD today - helping us achieve our goal and offering love and compassion to those who need it most.
If you have not already done so, please make your pledge to ABCD today.
ABCD - Mayordomía
La corresponsabilidad es una forma de vida; reconocemos por fe que todo lo que somos y todo lo que temenos son dones de Dios. La corresponsabilidad no es una cuestión de dar un poco más, sino una forma de vida.
“No temas, basta que tengas fe.”
- Marcos 5:36
Jesús dijo estas palabras sencillas al funcionario de la sinagoga antes de curar a la niña. Todos nos enfrentamos a desafíos y tribulaciones a diario.
¿Realmente tenemos fe como buenos corresponsable y ponemos las cosas en Sus manos o tenemos miedo y nos preocupados?
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