Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD)
Our mission at St. Matthew Catholic Church Religious Education program is to assist the main teachers in the faith: parents and godparents, in the continued life long process of growing in their Catholic Faith. Faith formation is vital in a person’s life as it continues to prepare us to receive our holy sacraments nurtured by prayer, going to Mass and serving together in community.
"Catholic education refers to the totality of the Church’s efforts to make disciples, to help all believe that Jesus is the Son of God so that believing they might have life in his name, and to educate and instruct them in this life, in order to build up the body of Christ." (CF. CCC 4)
Our continuous religious education program serves children in grades in 1st through 12th grade.
Sacramental Preparation is a required two-year program
Preparation for First Communion is a two year program. Children could start in the first year as early as 1st grade. At the end of the second year in the program the students receive the sacrament of Holy Communion usually in the Spring.
Preparation for Confirmation is a two year program that begins in the 7th grade. Children are prepared to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation during the spring of the 8th grade year.
If you have a child who has not been baptized, is older than 2nd grade and has not received his or her first Holy Communion, or is older than 8th grade and has not been confirmed, please contact us make the appropriate arrangements.
Intermediate grade faith formation we will be offering class for those children that are in between the grade levels for sacramental preparation.
Any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact Barbara Woroniecki, DRE - or call (954) 458-0612.